My Daddy

Just a little note here about my father. He was such a good father to me and my brothers. He worked at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, MS from 1939 to 1983. He was a pipewelder in 21 department. He knew all there was to know about pipewelding. The navy consulted with him many times about what kind of welding rods to use on different kinds of pipe to be used in submarines. He only had a 10th grade education but he knew everything there was to know about pipewelding. If you asked him what he was he would proudly say that he was a pipewelder. He did not check the oil in the car; he would ask us kids to check the oil. He didn't claim to know anything except being a pipewelder. He would hire other people to do other work for him but he wouldn't do it himself. My uncle was just the opposite. He would try to do everything himself to try to save a dollar. My uncle always had projects going that would never get done. I can say that everything my daddy set out to do he did. He taught me a very valuable lesson that I carry with me and had helped me to have a degree of success. Ply your trade and don't compete with everybody else with their trades. Become an expert in your field and excel.... let someone else cut the grass.... lol


  1. Thank you for sharing that wonderful tribute to your dad. You're quite right - Everything we give comes back at us many times over and we gain confidence and pride in mastery of things we're passionate in. I'm looking forward to following your blog.
    - Jerr


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