To your health! Don't be a chicken!

As we age we need to take care of ourselves. When I reached 40 I realized that I was going to have take a proactive approach to taking care of myself. I really started to understand when I reached the age of 29 that you don't go to the dentist when your have a toothache; you go every 6 months rather you need it or not. When I was a child my parents didn't take me to the dentist unless I had a cavity or a toothache. When my daughter got her first tooth in her head I wanted to take her to the dentist every 6 months to get her in the routine of seeing the dentist. She is now 25 and has been going to the same dentist ever since. I go to the same dentist and have been doing so for 27 years. In case ya'll don't know... I am 48... lol. Confront your fears and go to the dentist every 6 months and have good oral health. Now this brings me to my next subject. You should have bloodwork done every year and in some cases, depending on the circumstances more often. Life is always in the blood and it can tell a lot about your overall health. If you have a family history of certain types of illness you should be checked for those things. For example... My father died of colon cancer. His theory was " What you don't know can't hurt ya ". Well folks that just isn't gonna work. If he would have had regular check-ups they may could have caught it in time... but he was afraid to go to the doctor because he was just ignoring some of his issues, because a lot of things are silent killers and you just feel fine until all of a sudden you're in the hospital. Get checked out. Get that colonoscopy!! Get that pap smear!! Get that blood pressure checked!! Get that rectal exam... lol.... its not really funny, but the point here is to do it. Don't be a chicken.... Get that blood drawn. Have that sugar checked. Stay around awhile. I will be writing more on this later. I hope I am helping someone here. I am reinforcing the very things that are going to help me. I wish you all health, happiness and long life!!
