My Daughter Got Married!!

I wanted to say congratulations to my daughter Charlene Ruth Powell and Mark Andrew Dronet, Jr on their marriage April 09, 2011 on Charlene's grandparents estate (Mr. & Mrs John T. Owens) Her mother Mrs. Regina O. Hickman and I (Charles Maxwell Powell, Jr.) are so happy to be adding to our family a son (Mark Andrew Dronet, Jr.)

I wanted to thank all that helped with the wedding, Rev. Paul D. Springer (Pentacostals of the Gulf Coast)for officiating. He is a great man of God and I appreciate him bestowing his blessing on the couple.

For all the wedding cordination went to Jean McGrury owner/operator of After The Proposal Wedding Consultants of Ocean Springs. She did a great job and I want to encourge everyone to look her up on FB. She did a great job on the wedding and I don't know what we would have done without her. She also assisted by doing the ring ceremony.

Regina and I want to express our thanks to everyone that helped us in the marriage of our daughter.
